What does Eco+Fair mean?

We are the first jewelry company in Germany to process Eco+Fairtrade raw materials – since 2003. As pioneers for sustainable gold, gemstones and diamonds, we know what we are talking about.

minenarbeiter für fairmined gold von jan spille fairtrade schmuck

from ecologically and socially fair mining

Fairmined Eco Gold+Silver

Our FAIRMINED-ECO GOLD + SILVER comes from mining cooperatives that are certified according to environmental and social standards. In addition, we support miners in their sustainable development and in the certification process - Support of Mining!


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minenarbeiter in peru mit helmden und warmwesten fairmined gold bei jan spille fairtrade schmuck

from socially just mining

Fairtrade Gold+Silver

We process FAIRTRADE GOLD + SILVER from mining cooperatives in South America that are certified according to environmental and social standards. We also support the commitment of miners in Africa and the introduction of the Fairtrade seal.


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arbeiter sammelt saphire fairtrade schmuck jan spille

from ecologically and socially fair mining

Fair Sapphires

Our FAIR SAPPHIRES are mined, processed and traded according to ecological and socially just standards - and come from peace areas. Together with our mining cooperatives, we are committed to the introduction of a Fairtrade seal for gemstones - Support of Mining!


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goldschmied fixiert ethical diamonds in goldring fairtrade schmuck jan spille

from socially responsible mining

Ethical Diamonds

We process ETHICAL DIAMONDS from Canada and Australia, which are certified according to environmental and social standards. Transparent supply chains guarantee traceability and the trade in conflict minerals can be 100% excluded.


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blick auf rio barsilien bergbaureise von jan spille nachhaltiger schmuck

from ecologically and socially fair mining

Eco+Fair Gemstones

Our FAIR GEMSTONES come from Brazil and are mined, processed and traded according to ecological and socially just standards - and come from peace areas. The colorful gemstones are cut into shape on site in our own grinding shop.


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verarbeitung von zusatzmetallen zu fairmined gold von jan spille faitrade schmuck

Which additional metals are processed?

Currently, not all metals are available in all raw material concepts or not in sufficient quantities. Therefore, the various FAIRTRADE and FAIRMINED-ECO gold + silver alloys are additionally alloyed with RECYCLING palladium, silver and copper.

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Du suchst Trauringe?

Wir gestalten gemeinsam mit euch eure individuellen und fairen Trauringe – Schritt für Schritt entsteht euer ganz persönliches Schmuckdesign. Anschließend werden die Trauringe von uns auf Maß angefertigt – 100% Handgeschmiedet in Hamburg!

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